
Privacy Policy;

Updated the 29th February 2024


Welcome to the website of CARPOOLING TOMORROWLAND BELGIUM (https://tomorrowland-1.everygo.fr/en/), the car-sharing platform dedicated to the Tomorrowland Winter event. (hereinafter the "Site").

This website is designed and managed by STADIUMGO - a simplified joint stock company registered with the RCS of Paris under number: 850 950 965 and domiciled at 9 rue des Colonnes, 75002 Paris, (hereinafter "STADIUMGO").

When you browse our Site, in order to manage your requests for information and to use the features and services of our Site, STADIUMGO may collect and process personal data about you.

STADIUMGO is particularly concerned about protecting the privacy of its Users, and intends to provide you with precise information on all its processing operations.

It is for this reason that this Privacy Policy is addressed to Users of the Site in application of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (hereinafter "Loi Informatique et Libertés") as amended and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter "GDPR").

Article 1. Who collects and manages your data?

STADIUMGO will have the status of data controller for processing relating to:

  • Member account management;
  • Management of requests for information;
  • Payment management;
  • Sending news and commercial offers;
  • Managing eligibility for the car-sharing bonus;
  • The smooth running and ongoing improvement of the Site;
  • The management of requests for rights arising from the GDPR and the amended Loi Informatique et Libertés.

Article 2. Definitions

  • « Member(s) »

    : refers to the person who can authenticate him/herself on the Site via the login page (https://tomorrowland-1.everygo.fr/en/connexion).    
  • « Connection »

    : refers to the tab where Members can login to the platform

    « Data »


    « Personal Data »

    : refers to personal data subject to Processing under this Privacy Policy as defined in Article 4 (1) of the GDPR.
  • « General Data Protection Regulation »

    « GDPR »

    : means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
  • « Subcontractor »

    : means the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that Processes Personal Data on behalf of and in accordance with the instructions of STADIUMGO pursuant to Article 4 (8) of the GDPR..
  • « Processing/Processing »

    : means any of the operations referred to in Article 4 (2) of the GDPR, carried out on Personal Data in the context of the execution of this Privacy Policy.
  • « User »

    : designates any person browsing the Site published by STADIUMGO, whether an ordinary Internet user or a Member.

Article 3. What are the purposes and legal bases of the data processing carried out?

STADIUMGO collects only the Data required for the explicit purposes set out below:

a. Management of Member accounts and their activity

  • Member registration;
  • Management of Members' activities;
  • Tracking of journeys;
  • Reservation of parking spaces;
  • Mailbox management ;
  • Activity statistics;
  • Management of rewards issued by our commercial partners.

Legal basis: Performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures

b. Management of requests for information

  • Processing requests for information;
  • Responses to requests for information;
  • Follow-up of requests ;
  • Informative follow-up;

Legal basis: Performance of a contract or execution of pre-contractual measures.

c. Payment management

  • Payment ;
  • Billing follow-up ;
  • Keeping accounting records and legal documents ;

Legal basis: Legal obligation: article L. 102 B et seq. of the French Tax Code.

d. Sending news and commercial offers

  • management of newsletter subscriptions ;
  • sending commercial offers ;

Legal basis: Legitimate interest of STADIUMGO or consent of the User.

e. Managing eligibility for the car-sharing bonus

  • Managing the preparation of bonus requests ;
  • Follow-up of bonus requests ;
  • Transmission of bonus requests ;

Legal basis: Member consent.

f. Proper operation and continuous improvement of the Site

  • Our legitimate interest in guaranteeing the best possible level of operation and quality of the Site, thanks in particular to visitor statistics.
  • The User's consent when required.

g. The management of requests for rights arising from the GDPR and the amended Loi Informatique et Libertés

Article 4. What data is collected?

The compulsory or optional nature of the personal data collected and the possible consequences of a failure to reply are indicated during the various contacts with the persons concerned.

You can consult the details of the personal data we may hold on you below.

For member account management:

  • Surname/first name ;
  • E-mail address ;
  • Cell phone number ;
  • Photograph
  • Personal description ;
  • Starting and finishing point of the trip ;
  • Carpooling profile (driver and/or passenger ;
  • Mailing address ;
  • Type of vehicle/fuel, if applicable ;
  • Booking details ;
  • Details of publications on the Site ;
  • Details of reviews of other Members ;

Management of requests for information:

  • Exchanges with STADIUMGO ;
  • Data related to the request.

Payment management:

  • Credit card number, expiry date, security code ;
  • Data required for invoicing.

Sending news and commercial offers:

  • Last name, first name ;
  • E-mail address ;

Carpooling bonus eligibility management

  • Declaration of honor (Last name, first name, date of birth, place of birth, telephone);
  • whether or not you are eligible for the bonus;

For the proper operation and ongoing improvement of the Site:

Data collected via cookies and other tracers present on our Site; for more details, see article 8 herein.

For the management of requests for rights arising from the GDPR and the amended Data Protection Act:

  • Last name, first name ;
  • Email address ;
  • Where applicable, copy of proof of identity ;

Article 5. Who do we send your data to?

STADIUMGO is responsible for the processing of your personal data regarding the carpooling and any related services. STADIUMGO might transfer your data that they process to us in case you consent thereto. In case you have questions, concerns or you would like to perform a data request, please contact STADIUMGO. For more information regarding the processing of your personal data, please consult STADIUMGO's privacy policy.

Only the authorized and specified persons mentioned below may have access to User data.

  • STADIUMGO's authorized personnel;
  • Service providers responsible for managing and hosting the Site and STADIUMGO's IT system;
  • Third parties responsible for verifying the first-time driver bonus (Total Energies);
  • The payment service provider (STRIPE);
  • Where applicable, the authorized personnel of our subcontractors;
  • Where applicable, the relevant courts, mediators, chartered accountants, statutory auditors, lawyers, bailiffs, debt collection agencies, police or gendarmerie authorities in the event of theft or judicial requisition;
  • Our Client / Partner Tomorrowland Winter will obtain your data for prospecting activities and statistical purposes, when you have given your consent thereto.

Your data will not be communicated, exchanged, sold or rented to anyone other than those mentioned above.

Article 6. How long do we keep your data?

STADIUMGO undertakes to ensure that the Data collected is kept in a form that enables you to be identified for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Data is collected and processed.

Article 7. What are your rights?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, you have the following rights (find out more);

  • Right of access (article 15 GDPR), rectification (article 16 GDPR), updating ;
  • Right to erasure of your Personal Data (Article 17 GDPR), when they are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated, or whose collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited ;
  • Right to withdraw your consent at any time (Article 7-3 GDPR) ;
  • The right to limit the processing of your Data (article 18 GDPR).
  • Right to portability of the Data you have provided to us, where your Data is subject to automated processing based on your consent or on a contract (Article 20 GDPR)
  • Right to object to the processing of Personal Data (Article 21 GDPR)
  • Right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL (article 77 GDPR)
  • Right to define the fate of your data after your death and to choose whether we communicate (or not) your data to a third party that you have previously designated (Article 85 of the LIL). In the event of your death, and in the absence of any instructions from you, we undertake to destroy your data, unless its retention is necessary for evidential purposes or to meet a legal obligation.

These rights may be exercised by simple request, by e-mail to contact@stadiumgo.fr or by post to StadiumGO SAS - For the attention of Mr Lauvergnat Romain - 9 rue des colonnes - 75002 PARIS.

To find out more about your rights, you can also consult the website of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, accessible at the following address: http://cnil.fr.

Article 8. Connection data and cookies

STADIUMGO uses connection data on its Site (date, time, Internet address, protocol of the visitor's computer or telephone, page consulted) and cookies (small files saved on your computer, tablet or telephone) to identify you, to memorize your consultations, and to benefit from Site audience measurements and statistics, particularly relating to the pages consulted.

You can consent, refuse or choose the type of cookies you wish to be stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

A cookie is a text file that is deposited and read when you browse a website, regardless of the type of terminal equipment used.

To ensure that your information is as clear as possible, you will find below a description of the proprietary cookies used on the Site and their purpose:

Functional and technical cookies are mainly used to improve your browsing experience on the Site. These are the cookies that send information to our Site and to your device: memorization of information relating to a form (identifier, address), to your terminal's display preferences (language, resolution), to security measures such as session expiration, and so on.

  • User language (display preferences on the platform), lasting from 1 hour to 30 days, depending on the User's choice, indicating his or her wish to save it by clicking on "remember me".
  • Session use (display preferences + security), lasting from 1 hour to 30 days, depending on the User's choice, indicating their wish to save it by clicking on "remember me".
  • Forms (registration, proposal, connection), to guarantee the security of User data entered.

Site audience measurement cookies help us to understand how the Site is used, so that we can improve the quality of the services we offer you.

  • Google Analytics

Article 9. Social networks

When browsing the Site, Users have the option of clicking on the icons dedicated to the social networks Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn and X (ex Twitter).

Social networks help improve the Site's user-friendliness and promote it through sharing.

When Users use these buttons, STADIUMGO may have access to personal information that Users have indicated as public and accessible from their Facebook or Instagram profile. However, STADIUMGO does not create or use any database independent of Facebook, Instagram or Youtube and does not use any data relating to your private life in this way.

Article 10. Transfer of data outside the European Union

As a matter of principle, STADIUMGO processes your data within the European Union.

In view of the nature of its activity, STADIUMGO may transfer your data outside the European Union. In such cases, these transfers are subject to appropriate guarantees in accordance with regulations.

These guarantees are available on request by e-mail to contact@stadiumgo.fr or by post to StadiumGO SAS - For the attention of Mr Lauvergnat Romain - 9 rue des colonnes - 75002 PARIS.

Article 11. Security

STADIUMGO and its possible subcontractors undertake to implement all technical and organizational measures in order to ensure the security of personal data processing and the confidentiality of your data, according to current technical means and in application of the IEL Law and the GDPR.

STADIUMGO takes the necessary precautions, with regard to the nature of your data and the risks presented by our processing, to preserve the security of the data and, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted, damaged, or accessed by unauthorized third parties (physical protection of premises, User authentication process with personal and secure access.

Article 12. Updating our privacy policy

The present Privacy Policy may be modified in particular in accordance with the various legislative and regulatory changes. To this end, the User may consult the update directly on the Site.